Thursday 30 July 2015

Top 3 Eye Liners

Black eye liner is a staple for anyone, whether you prefer gel, liquid or pencil. I've collected my three favourite black eye liners, choosing a ge, liquid and pencil and they all happen to be drugstore items! Hopefully if any of you are on the hunt for a new black liner but have a preference for a certain type, this post should give you something to add to your makeup list.

Thursday 23 July 2015

HOW TO: Perfect Bold Lip

I'm always receiving questions on my Instagram @fabuleusebeauty and in general about how I get my lipstick to look perfect. From loads of experimenting, I've found a method that I now never miss when I do my lipstick, and I am happy to share it with you! all Even though this blog post is titled 'perfect bold lip', I use this technique for nude lips and any other lip colour too. I can guarantee that it will completely change how your lipstick looks, as well as your entire makeup, since it also helps with covering any pigmentation around the lips (with I have). I did do a mini explanation on an Instagram post a while ago about how I get perfect lipstick application, but hopefully this should be easier to understand!

Thursday 16 July 2015

The Best Products for Dry Skin

Over the exam period, the dry patches on my skin became out of control. Sometimes I'd manage to get rid of them, but then other times they'd come back and always feel dry no matter how much moisturiser I'd use. It then started affecting my makeup, since my foundation would cling to these dry patches and it was pretty much a mess on my face. From experimenting and testing products out, I've collected a little group of the best skincare items that helped me tackle my dry skin, and will hopefully help those who also have dry skin/patches or just like to feel moisturised!

Thursday 9 July 2015

New York Beauty Haul

As you can imagine, I was dying over all the makeup and beauty goods in the USA which we can't get over here in the UK. However, I did visit New York in February 2014 when I went pretty nuts with the makeup shopping - so during my trip a few weeks ago, I refrained myself from going crazy and only bought things that I couldn't get in the UK or was a lot cheaper in the States! I haven't used any of these products yet, since I've been waiting to take the pictures for this blog post and so I won't be able to give any reviews, but I should have reviews up soon and will be trying them out in my Instagram looks @fabuleusebeauty

Thursday 2 July 2015

New York

If you don't follow me on Instagram @fabuleusebeauty you would have missed my big news that I was going to New York. I had been invited by my best friend's family to come along for her 18th birthday surprise, and of course I couldn't say no, and it was one of the best trips I've ever been on!! I've collected a bunch of pictures I took on the trip especially for this blog post, so I hope you all enjoy.