Thursday 17 July 2014

My Skincare Secrets

In the past I suffered from severe acne, mostly hereditary, and had to have it treated by medication since it would otherwise have been permanent! Nonetheless, I still have to maintain my skin to prevent it going crazy and to get rid of any previously made scars (which I've mostly done!).


1. Drinking the correct fluids
2. Having a good skincare routine


I know people tend to go on and on about how drinking water is so important, but they're telling the truth! HOWEVER I also know it can feel really tedious to force yourself to drink water non-stop during the day... So what I do is have a filled up bottle of water in my fridge at all times - that way, when I'm too lazy to pour myself a drink, I instantly go to drink my water.

Also, try to have only fresh or pure juices in your fridge as alternatives, instead of fizzy drinks!


Someone once told me that Green Tea is amazing for the skin and complexion! This site is awesome at outlining all the benefits of green tea - - but the tea really is great since it contains a lot of antioxidants and reduces any redness from your skin. In the picture above, I have a few of my favourite flavours but you will find LOADS more in the supermarket.


My skincare routine tends to change every now and then but being as consistent as you can is best, especially when taking your makeup off before you sleep (without fail!). Here I will list my key products that help me to maintain my skin.

I always like to remove the bulk of my makeup with a wipe, and the ones I've been using for literally 3 years are the Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes, purely because they don't leave a burning feeling and do a good job at getting my makeup off!

In case there's any extra eye liner or mascara left, I go in with the Simple Eye Makeup Remover on a cotton pad and place each side on either eyelid for 30 seconds and then wipe, easy!

Next I cleanse my face, and depending on how much makeup I wore that day I'll use either the Soap & Glory Peaches and Clean Cleanser for light makeup days or the Simple Moisturising Facial Wash for evening (high coverage foundation) makeup days.

I then like to apply some toner in case there is STILL any makeup left on my skin, and the most affordable but effective one I've found is the Simple Soothing Facial Toner which I apply using a cotton pad.

Lastly, I like to re-hydrate my skin since it is stripped of all it's moisture by this stage. So, at night I like to use the L'Oreal Skin Perfection Serum which penetrates really deep into the skin over night and helps with the fading of scars. Then in the morning I use my Olay Sensitive Day Fluid, a GREAT light weight but rich moisturiser, with no greasy residue.

For any days when my skin is just not looking fab and is suffering from a ton of blemishes, I use my Aapri Exfoliating Facial Scrub Cream which is SO affordable but so good at clearing out bacteria and removing dead skin - but only use a couple times a week!


- Wash your brushes regularly
- Sanitise your hands before applying makeup
- Pat your face dry (don't rub) with a flannel
- Try to get as much sleep as you can

I hope this helps some of you!!


  1. Hello! You have beautiful clear skin now, may I ask what medication you use for treat your acne? And also do you still use it now

    1. Hiya! I used Roaccutane for 6 months here in the UK that I had when I was 15 and had to be prescribed by a dermatologist. It was a really harsh drug and isnt available in some countries because of the side effects, but after the 6 months it cleared up my skin entirely and I was only left with scars! :) x

  2. Oh thats amazing! What do you do to get rid of your scars? Do you have any natural remedies or products that have really made a big difference x

    1. I cleanse every morning and use an exfoliating scrub once a week! I used bio oil for a few months but I wasnt patient enough, so I tried the LOreal skin perfection serum which made a bit of a difference. But over time your skin grows more layers and gets rid of dead skin, especially if youre young, so they'll fade over time :) i dont have any crucial products though x
